Identity devlopment

Posted: Sunday 22 May 2011 | Posted by Adam Townend | Labels:

During the last two years, I have been tinkering with my identity, which I feel is finished. I have been using it for a while and now it feels like something I will use to find work and job offers. Its something that has featured in the ppd presentations as well as on invoicing for the screen yorkshire work but here is the development for the identity in one post for the purposes of assessment.

I want something I can use for the foreseeable future, so, as ever I was not happy with the first logo I did, and a few people suggested it looked alot more like 'NT' rather than 'AT'. I decided to sketch some more ideas for a logo over the easter period, once I had a little more time to think about it.

These are a few sketches I produced on graph paper. I have got into using graph paper a lot, particularly for logos as it gives a sense of scale and it helps me draw more accurately using the grid as a guide, similar to how I might sketch out letterforms when designing a font. This has become the way I practice, as I feel comfortable with it.

After skecthing the variations out, I stuck with a style I liked and made little amendments too it until I was happy.

First draft and business card

There was way too much going on in this business card, thats for sure.

Less complex but still a little odd. The identity has been finalised though.

New business card image will go here.