PPD Design strategies presentation feedback

Posted: Tuesday, 12 October 2010 | Posted by Adam Townend | Labels: ,

Attached is Fred's feedback on my PPD presentation.

I think it came across well that I had tried to find opportunities to find experience where I could, and that I hadn't sat back on my laurels, and had looked to develop my strategy in response to my experiences. I touched on my self promotional work, the work I did over the summer and the work I had been looking at and what I wanted to do this year.

The feedback was generally positive, and mentions timings, relevance and honesty. Overall it is a fair reflection on my presentation, I should have been mire analytical, critical and reflective of my experiences, and what I wanted to do, why and how, and what I need to do to achieve that. This is being addressed through my position statements, my rationale and statement of intent.