Contacting agencies

Posted: Wednesday, 26 May 2010 | Posted by Adam Townend |

I decided that it was time for another push towards the agency search today after having no luck so far. John advised me to follow up all emails with a phone call so this week I followed up 3 agencies with phones which included Vast, Elmwood and The Consult.

I had been putting these off again and again because it is quite daunting, but it feels better when you do it because you can put it to the back of your mind for a while.

As ever I couldn't get to speak too who I really wanted too as they were all busy. That said they did all say that they would come back to my when they had the time. The important thing for me was actually getting peoples names because it really pays to know who you are wanting to talk too and that you have a little bit of prior knowledge.

I changed my tactics slightly after getting nowhere on the original email.

The next job is to find yet more contacts, and branch out a little. I could travel much further to do day visits and I feel that would be more beneficial than going to one agency for a long period. At this stage I don't really need to be impressing anyone, all I need to do is seek out what want to do and who with.