Portfolio website

Posted: Tuesday, 6 April 2010 | Posted by Adam Townend |

I decided to get on and design a portfolio website over the easter period. I wanted to take what I had learnt from the dreamweaver sessions and also employ the help of indexhibit, which turned out to be quite annoying and then quite helpful once I got used to it.

I intend to buy a domain as soon as I can but for now this is adequate to showcase my work. I have done the homepage and I will upload the work when I have collated it all. I'm pretty pleased with it and my logo really does suit too.

The background does take a while to load but hopefully i have optimised the files as much as possible. The background changes when refreshed to give a feel for the work I have produce. The work here is a personal piece I did that never sees the light of day but I was proud of at the time.

the website is here adamtownend.99k.org