More logo development

Posted: Tuesday, 30 March 2010 | Posted by Adam Townend |

I want something I can use for the foreseeable future, so, as ever I was not happy with the first logo I did, and a few people suggested it looked alot more like 'NT' rather than 'AT'. I decided to sketch some more ideas for a logo over the easter period, once I had a little more time to think about it.

These are a few sketches I produced on graph paper. I have got into using graph paper a lot, particularly for logos as it gives a sense of scale and it helps me draw more accurately using the grid as a guide, similar to how I might sketch out letterforms when designing a font. This has become the way I practice, as I feel comfortable with it.

After skecthing the variations out, I stuck with a style I liked and made little amendments too it until I was happy.