Emailing 10 contacts

Posted: Thursday, 18 March 2010 | Posted by Adam Townend |

Today was the day I had to email my work samples to 10 contacts just to test the water regarding getting noticed. I was a little unsure at first because I have become attached to the work I have done, and if others didn't like it I would feel down hearted. Nevertheless I sent my work of to people such as Kate Moross, Mat Maitland and Love in Manchester.

Here is a sample email of what I sent.

Hi Kate,

I'm Adam, a 2nd year BA Graphic Design student from Leeds College of Art currently building up a portfolio of work I have done on the course thus far. I would appreciate it greatly if you could spare just a few minutes to look through my portfolio and give me some feedback. I generally work with type and layout but your illustrative typographic work, such as the Kiehl's project and Animal Collective poster has inspired me to practice and develop illustrative skills and apply them to my growing love for typography and layout desifn. If you know of any contacts that I could also share my work with I would be happy to hear them.

Please find a few samples from my portfolio attached.

Kind regards,

Adam Townend

Unfortunately the replies were few and far between. That was until Kate Moross emailed me back a few days later. I was just grateful of the reply and was really priviledge that she had come back to me. It was a welcome boost no matter what it said. The odd thing is she is probably the one who was most busy and was probably the most high profile contact I picked.

She wrote...

Hello Adam,

Thank you for your email. Keep up the good work.

Some of the work is too small, and hard to see on the pages, make the images larger, also it would be good to see the source files from the Newbies project as you can't really focus on them.

Though its important to have your portfolio small, the images are too low res, maybe bump them up a little bit on your export!

Good luck


Certain to say I took Kate's advice and updated my portfolio.