Print Processes - 16 page document

Posted: Thursday, 8 October 2009 | Posted by Adam Townend |

I decided that I should get on with the job of deciding what print processes would be suitable to research into and what would be viable for my 16 page document. Obviously, I will have limitations in what I can and can't use in terms of colour, stock when printing at the college but this should not limit my approach as I need to gather as much knowledge as possible to enable me to gain an understanding of industry print practice.

I remembered a few days ago that I had actually visited a printers before I started college, as I used to work for a design agency in Garforth. I visited Team Impression printers, who have a high reputation. Whilst I was there, I was given one of their new books on print processes. Now there is not much in the book in terms of information, but there is a variety of print examples. I decided to photograph and upload some examples of monotone, cmyk overprinting, embossing, die cutting, etc.

More examples including print finishes, foils etc.