Not entirely happy with these It must be the amount of stress I am under. Can't really think straight, so I will hopefully be able to develop these next week.
EOS boards
This is the portfolio I will be handing in on disc. I have a landscape and portrait version of this.
PPD nearly complete
Here is the final folder I will be submitting for the PPD as a creative CV. It will house the business card (I've got two designs) The portfolio brochure which is to be printed and a double sided CV.

PPD Folder
This is my template for the PPD folder. I have kept this clean and minimal to keep the continuity of my branding design. It would be a whole lot better to actually get this printed professionally on the same stock as my business card, with a spot varnish on the logo but the non-existent budget means I am tied to print these digitally.

CV postcard
I haven't been able to do the development I wanted to do on this. I need to use the same fonts, and I also wanted to have a list of skills that were succinct and clear to understand. I didn't want to make a big thing of the CV, and this is the most logical way of laying out the information. I know that this still seems formal but I believe it reflects my approach and fits in with the context of the product. It is A6 in scale and is double sided.

Website Updated
During this weekend I decided to update my website. Not only its content but the way it looks and how it is navigated. I felt the previous layout had too much going on in it. It had a lot of different sections, so I simplified it to just have 'work' for my work, and separate sections for news and bio sections.
I decided on using this horizontal scrolling as it looks currently on trend with other agencies such as Music. The menu remains static when scrolling and the content floats beneath the menu.